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Meet The Würzburg Philharmonic

John Ruocco & Adrian Mears

Meet The Würzburg Philharmonic

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917112924
Catnr: DMCHR 71129
Release date: 01 October 2013
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71129
Release date
01 October 2013

"The CD offers a good opportunity to get to know a trombonist that plays with a beautiful velvet tone and smooth technique."

Jazzflits, 06-1-2014

About the album

A good tradition is being continued. The Wurzburg Philharmonic Orchestra has been known to implement fruitful and successful collaborations with jazz musicians since 1994: in joint concerts with the renowned Trio On The Corner, a CD of the orchestra with the trio and star guest Benny Bailey was already released in 1997, and a recording with Charlie Mariano in 2003, which received a lot of praise in the national and international press. There were again concerts in 2010 and 2011, this time with the internationally renowned jazz musicians John Ruocco and Adrian Mears – and again with Trio On The Corner. The recording has now been carefully edited and made accessible to the general public. It was well worth the effort. We hear an orchestra that works completely relaxed and effortlessly with improvising musicians and creates a sound tapestry that does not cover, but instead invites the soloists to fly. It accompanies these journeys with a lot of sensitivity and empathy and very obviously not only supports the improvisations harmonically, but also stimulates the inventiveness of jazz musicians. As a result, genuine sound tapestries result, finely woven with numerous expressive dabs of color. The compositions and arrangements provide the rest. Standards by Billy Strayhorn and J.J. Johnson were arranged personally by conductor Jonathan Seers for the Philharmonic. Marko Lackner arranged two compositions by John Ruocco and contributed a piece of his own. In addition, there are several compositions by Adrian Mears, which he also arranged himself, and a piece by the pianist of the trio, Bernhard Pichl, also arranged personally. Ensembles have joined up here, which took off on an adventure – and completed it brilliantly!

The spiritual father and driving force behind the project is the general music director and conductor of the Wurzburg Philharmonic Jonathan Seers. The Englishman came to Wurzburg after stints in Freiburg, Mannheim and Gelsenkirchen. He found an orchestra, which not only plays at the highest level, but which is also open-minded and curious. There have not only been extraordinary projects in classic during his term of office, but also border crossings to jazz. Seers lives in Hanover, but he was able to be involved this project until its release thanks to the support of his successor Enrico Calesso.

The Trio On The Corner took part from the start and has been a perfectly matched partner for the jazz projects. The pianist Bernhard Pichl, instructor at Nuremberg and Wurzburg, among other things, has played and recorded CDs with numerous internationally known musicians from Benny Bailey to Red Holloway and from Scott Hamilton to Dusko Goykovich. Rudi Engel has been part of the group since its beginnings. He studied under Ron Carter and Rufus Reid, among others, and many know him as member of the Ernie Watts European Quartet. The youngest in the trio is the drummer Jean Paul Höchstädter, who can already look back on an impressive career. This is not only thanks to his list of musicians, with whom he has played (Nils Landgren, Till Brönner, Gary Burton, Dave Douglas, etc.), but also because he has been a member of the HR Big Band awarded the ECHO Music Prize and can be heard alongside Axel Schlosser on Double Moon Records, for example.

John Ruocco, born in New Haven, Connecticut, has lived in Europe since 1979 and for more than 10 years in Belgium. He teaches at the Royal Conservatories in Brussels and Den Haag (NL). He was a member of the Bundesjazzorchester (German Jazz Orchestra) under Peter Herbolzheimer for 20 years and director and conductor of the Dutch Jazz Orchestra. He is one of the "unsung heroes" of his generation of jazz musicians and has been inspiration and incentive for many younger jazz musicians.

Adrian Mears was born in Sydney, Australia, but already came to Europe when he was a young man. He quickly became one of the most important trombonists. You could hear him in the Vienna Art Orchestra and the bands of Carla Bley, Bob Brookmeyer, McCoy Tyner and many others. He has numerous compositions to his name, and hundreds of CDs were recorded with his participation. His captivating but always velvety-soft sound and his outstanding technique make him one of the best European trombonists.
Eine gute Tradition wird fortgesetzt: seit 1994 sind die Würzburger Philharmoniker dafür bekannt, fruchtbare und erfolgreiche Kooperationen mit Jazzmusikern umzusetzen. Zunächst in gemeinsamen Konzerten mit dem renommierten Trio On The Corner, schon 1997 erschien eine CD des Orchesters mit dem Trio und Stargast Benny Bailey, und 2003 eine Aufnahme mit Charlie Mariano, die in der Presse national und international auf viel Beachtung stieß. 2010 und 2011 kam es erneut zu Konzerten. Diesmal mit den weltweit renommierten Jazzmusikern John Ruocco und Adrian Mears – und nach wie vor mit dem Trio On The Corner. Nun ist der Mitschnitt sorgfältig bearbeitet und für die Allgemeinheit zugänglich. Eine lohnende Anstrengung: wir hören ein Orchester, das völlig unangestrengt und gelöst mit improvisierenden Musikern arbeitet, einen Klangteppich legt, der nicht zudeckt, sondern die Solisten zum Fliegen einlädt. Das sensibel und mit viel Empathie diese Ausflüge begleitet und ganz offensichtlich die Improvisationen nicht nur harmonisch unterlegt, sondern auch die Jazzmusiker zu besonderem Ideenreichtum heraus fordert. So entstehen regelrechte Klanggemälde, fein gezeichnet und mit zahlreichen expressiven Farbtupfern versehen. Ein übriges leisten die Kompositionen und Arrangements: Standards von Billy Strayhorn und J.J. Johnson wurden von Dirigent Jonathan Seers eigenhändig für die Philharmoniker arrangiert, zwei Kompositionen von John Ruocco hat Marko Lackner arrangiert und selbst ein eigenes Stück bei gesteuert. Dazu mehrere Kompositionen von Adrian Mears, die er auch selbst arrangiert hat, und ein Stück des Pianisten des Trios, Bernhard Pichl, das dieser ebenfalls selbst arrangiert hat. Hier haben Teams zusammen gefunden, die sich gemeinsam in ein Abenteuer begeben haben – und es mit Bravour bestehen!

Geistiger Vater und Triebfeder des Projekts ist der langjährige Generalmusikdirektor und Dirigent der Würzburger Philharmoniker, Jonathan Seers. Der Engländer kam nach Stationen in Freiburg, Mannheim und Gelsenkirchen nach Würzburg. Dort traf er auf ein Orchester, das nicht nur auf höchstem Niveau spielt, sondern auch neugierig und offen ist. In seine Amtszeit fallen nicht nur außergewöhnliche Projekte in der Klassik, sondern eben auch die Grenzüberschreitungen zum Jazz. Heute lebt Seers in Hannover, aber - auch dank der Unterstützung durch seinen Nachfolger Enrico Calesso - er konnte dieses Projekt noch bis zur Veröffentlichung begleiten.

Das Trio On The Corner war von Anfang dabei und ein kongenialer Partner für die Jazzprojekte. Der Pianist Bernhard Pichl, u.a. Dozent an den Hochschulen Nürnberg und Würzburg, hat mit zahlreichen international bekannten Musikern, von Benny Bailey bis Red Holloway, von Scott Hamilton bis Dusko Goykovich gespielt und CD´s aufgenommen. Am Bass von Anfang an dabei ist Rudi Engel, Schüler von u.a. Ron Carter und Rufus Reid, der vielen bekannt ist als Mitglied des Ernie Watts European Quartet. Der jüngste im Trio ist Drummer Jean Paul Höchstädter, der schon eine beindruckende Karriere vorweisen kann. Nicht nur durch seine „spielte-mit-Liste“ (Nils Landgren, Till Brönner, Gary Burton, Dave Douglas…) – er ist auch seit 2007 festes Mitglied der mit dem ECHO ausgezeichneten HR-Bigband und z.B. bei Double Moon Records auch an der Seite von Axel Schlosser zu hören.

John Ruocco, geboren in New Haven, Connecticut, lebt seit 1979 in Europa, und seit über 10 Jahren in Belgien. Er lehrt an den Royal Conservatories in Brüssel und Den Haag (NL). Unter Peter Herbolzheimer war er 20 Jahre lang Mitglied im Bundesjazzorchester und Leiter und Dirigent des Dutch Jazz Orchestra. Er gehört zu den „Unsung Heroes“ seiner Generation Jazzmusiker, für sehr viele jüngere Jazzmusiker war er Inspiration und Ansporn.

Adrian Mears wurde in Sydney/Australien geboren, kam aber schon als junger Mann nach Europa. Schnell wurde er zu einer der wichtigsten Stimmen an der Posaune, man hörte ihn im Vienna Art Orchestra, in den Bands von Carla Bley, Bob Brookmeyer, McCoy Tyner und vielen anderen mehr. Zahllose Kompositionen stammen von ihm, und hunderte CDs entstanden mit seiner Beteiligung. Sein zupackender, aber auch immer samtweicher Ton und seine herausragende Technik machen ihn zu einem der besten europäischen Posaunisten.


Modest Mussorgsky

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was a Russian composer, one of the group known as 'The Five'. He was an innovator of Russian music in the romantic period. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music. Many of his works were inspired by Russian history, Russian folklore, and other nationalist themes. Such works include the opera Boris Godunov, the orchestral tone poem Night on Bald Mountain and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition. For many years Mussorgsky's works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. Many of his most important compositions have posthumously come into their own in their original forms, and some of the original scores...
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was a Russian composer, one of the group known as "The Five". He was an innovator of Russian music in the romantic period. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music.
Many of his works were inspired by Russian history, Russian folklore, and other nationalist themes. Such works include the opera Boris Godunov, the orchestral tone poem Night on Bald Mountain and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition.
For many years Mussorgsky's works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. Many of his most important compositions have posthumously come into their own in their original forms, and some of the original scores are now also available.


Jonathan Seers (conductor)


John Ruocco

John Ruocco (USA,1952) plays tenor saxophone and clarinet. He has been closely associated with the Belgian scene. He performed with several groups there, recently as a guest with the Frank Vaganne Trio (CD 'Trios') and as a member of the Philippe Aerts Trio (CD Cat Walk). John is director of the Dutch Jazz Orchestra and he has directed The Den Haag Conservatory big band for a number of years. He had extensive featured appearances with Belgian National Radio and Television, French Radio, German National Radio and Television. He teaches at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels, Belgium,since1996. and at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, The Netherlands since 1987. Further he gave several workshops and clinics in Europe, USA and Taiwan and appeared...
John Ruocco (USA,1952) plays tenor saxophone and clarinet. He has been closely associated with the Belgian scene. He performed with several groups there, recently as a guest with the Frank Vaganne Trio (CD 'Trios') and as a member of the Philippe Aerts Trio (CD Cat Walk). John is director of the Dutch Jazz Orchestra and he has directed The Den Haag Conservatory big band for a number of years. He had extensive featured appearances with Belgian National Radio and Television, French Radio, German National Radio and Television. He teaches at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels, Belgium,since1996. and at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, The Netherlands since 1987. Further he gave several workshops and clinics in Europe, USA and Taiwan and appeared on major European Festivals. For Challenge Records he appeared on 'Baseline Returns' with Hein van de Geyn and on 'With A Song In My Heart’ with Fay Claassen.



The CD offers a good opportunity to get to know a trombonist that plays with a beautiful velvet tone and smooth technique.
Jazzflits , 06-1-2014

An animated, snappy and meaningful sounding meeting of musical worlds and imaginations.
concerto (AT), 01-1-2014

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